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File a Complaint

Know your rights. Protect Them.

Any individual who believes that they have been discriminated against based on protected class status should review the information below to determine if they should proceed with the complaint process.

Under the law, everyone has the right to be free from discrimination at work, in housing, in a public accommodation, or when seeking credit and insurance. A discrimination charge in employment, public accommodation, credit and insurance must be filed with WSHRC within six months from the date of the alleged violation in order to protect your rights. A discrimination charge in housing must be filed with the WSHRC within one year from the date of the alleged violation. Before filing a complaint, review the three lists below to make sure your complaint is (1) in our jurisdiction, (2) relates to a protected class, and (3) fits our investigative process.

1. Our Jurisdiction

Under the law, the Human Rights Commission can investigate complaints of alleged discrimination in the following areas:

  • Employment
  • Housing & Real Estate Housing
  • Places of Public Accommodation
  • Credit & Insurance

2. Protected Classes

Discrimination occurs whenever someone is treated differently or denied equal treatment or access because of their membership in a Protected Class.

  • Race/Color
  • National Origin
  • Creed
  • Sex/Pregnancy
  • Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity
  • Veteran/Military Status
  • The presence of any sensory, mental, or physical actual Disability or perceived Disability
  • Use of a Service Animal
  • HIV or Hepatitis C
  • Marital Status (except in public accommodation)
  • Breastfeeding (in public accommodation)
  • Age (40+, employment only)
  • Families with Children (housing only)
  • State Employee Whistleblower
  • Immigration Status

3. Investigative Process

Our role under the law is to gather facts about the situation and then determine whether there is cause to believe that discrimination occurred.

  • RCW Requirements
  • Intake Process
  • Assignment to Investigators
  • How the Investigation is Conducted
  • Standard of Proof
  • Types of Findings
  • Review Process
  • Availability of Alternative Dispute Resolution
  • Attorney General Involvement
  • Review by Federal Agencies


Complaint Forms

If you feel that your complaint meets the requirements above, download the PDF Complaint Form below that matches the nature of your complaint and mail it to the WSHRC Olympia office.


* Adobe Reader Required.  Download the form to your computer to allow saving and digital signatures.